Whale watching in Tenerife has become one of the favourite excursions of every tourist, as it provokes an absolutely magical experience. Getting to observe these beautiful creatures in their natural habitat is always a memorable event. Tenerife South waters are full of these large mammals, which gives you a chance to get up close and study them in their own environment.
Best spots for dolphin and whale whatching in Tenerife
There are 21 types of species of dolphins and whales in Tenerife waters. Pilot whales and bottlenose dolphins are regularly spotted so boat trips are nearly guaranteed a sighting. Getting to see them in the wild instead of in a small pool doing tricks is much more gratifying. Knowing that they have complete freedom is uplifting. As you spot the tail of a whale or the fin of a dolphin you can’t help but be full of excitement, getting to capture its grace.
Your success of a sighting does depend on a few factors. Los Cristianos, Playa de las Américas and other Southern resorts do offer boat trips but for best results go to Puerto Colón in Costa Adeje or Los Gigantes. Los Gigantes will also give you a fantastic view of the cliffs as an added bonus.

Choosing the right boat trip
Boat trips can vary, some are 2/3 hours long while others could be up to 5 hours. There are different types, shapes and sizes, and the prices can vary too. Choose a boat trip that suits your own needs and wants, take a look around the coast and check them out for yourself. You might even be able to negotiate a price!
All of these boat trips for dolphin and whale watching in Tenerife are completely ethical and regulated. They have limits on how close they can get to the animals, as well as the maximum time to be spent with them. It’s forbidden to feed them or swim with them. All these rules are put in an effort to conserve these cetaceans’ natural habitat and freedom. All they simply have to do to entertain us, is to make an appearance.
Most of the ports can be reached by public transport but for easier travel we suggest a car hire as the most convenient way to get around the island. So check out our website for car hire in Tenerife, choosing from a wide range of models for any taste.